Replica Autoprogettazione

50 Years ago Enzo Mari presented instructions for a series of furniture pieces to be assembled by the user, allowing them to more critically view the increasingly ubiquitous mass produced objects around them. In our current era of rampant low quality mass production, connection with craft & clarity of authorship has been lost across a range of fields, exemplified by replica furniture.

Similarly the encumbering of architectural processes through pressure from heightened external factors often forces practice into the realm of standardised systems, with complexities concealed behind a surface veneer, opaque to the end user.

Replica Autoprogettazione sees these systems brought into the light – to be seen, felt and understood. Curated by Stephen Clement and Michelle Dunas.

1 August—20 September

Tin Sheds Gallery

Wilkinson Building (G04), School of Architecture, Design and Planning, 148 City Road, Darlington NSW 2008, Australia