Maintaining personal space in Different Cloth/Common Threads
For the last 30 years, artists David Jensz and Wendy Teakel have lived together and shared a studio.
For the last 30 years, artists David Jensz and Wendy Teakel have lived together and shared a studio.
His compositions use coloured light as a sonic element and he sees “music and colour as interchangeable”.
Tricky Walsh’s homage to wartime code, technological relics and early communication devices.
Nganampa Kililpil: Our Stars is the first major survey exhibition of works from seven arts centres in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunyjatjara (APY) Lands in South Australia.
Ngaio Lenz paints possibility. Her new exhibition, The Imperfect Balance, extends the Melbourne-based artist’s investigation into the place of intuition, history and emotion in painting.
Doley’s 95 Things Learnt About Feminism are evidently not intended as a complete definition, if such a thing can even be attempted, but rather a snapshot of how the movement exists today: ever-shifting, many-layered, but stronger than ever.
A complex photo installation and three-dimensional sculpture, including a backlit crypt made of wood, will be central to the exhibition.
Robyn Stacey’s multilayered, colour-saturated images are created without digital manipulation.
As part of this year’s Melbourne Festival, Shiota will create a new body of work for a major solo exhibition at Anna Schwartz Gallery.
In the group show Nuclear, 50 diverse artists are linked by their atomic experiences.
At the centre of the exhibition is renowned Dutch artist Wendelien van Oldenborgh’s video work No False Echoes, which deals directly with Dutch colonial history in Indonesia.
Unknown Land is a portrait of one historical perspective; the European gaze, freshly fixed upon Western Australia, exploring and describing the land with flourishes of colonial poetry.