To Forever Ebb and Flow: Queer Time/Migrant Time

West Space presents two new projects in the West Space Window as part of To Forever Ebb and Flow Queer Time/Migrant Time.

Curated by Aziz Sohail, this expansive exhibition across MADA Galleries and West Space takes as its departure point the distinct propositions of migrant time and queer time and brings them into conversation.

Aziz says “reflecting on the late Ranajit Guha’s meditation on the migrant condition as not just about belonging/disbelonging but also ‘temporal maladjustment’, along with Jack Halberstam’s ‘alternative temporalities’, which situates queer time as outside of the heteronormative ‘markers of life experience namely birth, marriage, reproduction and death’, To Forever Ebb and Flow Queer Time/Migrant Time will explore the propositions of migrant time and queer time and bring them in conversation with each other.”

29 June—14 September

West Space

30 Perry St, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia