The politics and poetry of John Prince Siddon

John Prince Siddon, a Walmajarri man of the Great Sandy Desert in Western Australia, came to painting later in life but has more than made up for time with a prolific output of his distinctive paintings. With a style that he describes as “‘all mixed up”, Siddon uses canvas, oil drums, satellite dishes, kangaroo pelts, 3D printed bullock skulls, carved boab nuts, feathers and wood to create works that are both highly contemporary, yet often traditional in style.

Mangarri for the table, meaning ‘food for the table’ in Walmajarri, is a series of works that depict the recent class action against the Western Australian government for stolen wages that affected Siddon’s family and community. The exhibition is a collaboration between Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf, Mangkaja Art Centre and Arthouse Gallery, as part of NAIDOC week.

View, in pictures, the poetry of John Prince Siddon’s visual language.

Numbat Night, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 150 cm.

Gold Rush, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm (Commissioned by Cement Fondu).

Mangarri for the table, acrylic on board and bullock skull, 110 x 200 cm.

Installation view of Mangarri for the table by John Prince Siddon at Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf.

Feeding Time (detail), acrylic on kangaroo pelt, 175 x 82 cm.

Weather (detail), acrylic on kangaroo pelt, 166 x 102 cm.

(L to R) Feeding Time, acrylic on kangaroo pelt, 175 x 82 cm; Weather, acrylic on kangaroo pelt, 166 x 102 cm; Dingo, acrylic on kangaroo pelt, 184 x 93 cm; Mix It With Pride – Dreamtime Disco Drum VIII, acrylic on 44 gallon drum, 87.5 x 58 x 58 cm.

This Is How They Hunt Us, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 120 cm; Pulkartu (spider) (JPRI0015) , acrylic on 3D print, 50 x 50 x 18 cm; Numbat Night, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 150 cm.

Mangarri for the table
John Prince Siddon
Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf
On now—until 14 July