Wanda Gillespie’s divine interventions
Wanda Gillespie’s handcrafted sculptures embody ideas of the sacred.
Her latest exhibition, Of Counting and Devotion, is now showing at Craft Victoria’s Vitrine Gallery.
There has never been a better time to avoid art. However, as Oslo Davis discovered, the internet makes it ridiculously easy to stay connected to the art world, whether you like it or not.
There is a world of art available on your phone.
Online life drawing classes are a revelation!
Everyone gets to be a Zoom background art critic.
Augmented reality sculptures beamed into your lounge room will provide hours of amusement.
Youtube has a million art tutorials you can try at home.
The kids will love to live stream some contemporary dance.
And there’s no shortage of in-depth art podcasts.
Artists’ studio web cam offers a unique insight into the creative process.
But if you’re sick of looking at screens, don’t worry: the galleries will reopen soon.