With over 3,900 works, The University of Queensland Art Collection is one of Queensland’s most significant public art collections. The Collection comprises works by Australian artists from the colonial era to the present, and the Nat Yuen Collection of Chinese antiquities. In addition, The UQ Art Museum is developing the National Collection of Artists’ Self Portraits, the only collection of its kind in Australia.
The UQ Art Museum presents a dynamic program of exhibitions designed to provoke enquiry and to explore a wide range of issues relevant to UQ academic life and the broader social life of our audiences. These exhibitions, predominantly contemporary in focus, are diverse in content, form and cultural context.
UQ Art Museum
Building 11, University Drive, The University of Queensland St Lucia QLD 4067
07 3365 3046
Tuesday - Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 11am-3pm. Closed Sunday, Monday and public holidays.