The Post Office Gallery is committed to providing an outstanding educational resource and presenting an innovative exhibition programme, encouraging diverse audiences while creating strong links with the local and broader community.
The Gallery’s changing exhibition program features a broad range of work by Federation University’s Arts Academy students and staff, local, emerging and internationally recognised Australian contemporary artists and recent acquisitions from Federation University’s extensive Permanent Art Collection.
Post Office Gallery is a a vibrant, evolving centre for the creation and presentation of contemporary art, and a unique learning and teaching facility, which also provides the opportunity for mentoring of visual arts students in professional gallery and museum practice.
Admission: Always free
Disabled access
Federation University Post Office Gallery
Federation University Australia Library, Camp Street campus, Cnr Sturt & Lydiard Street Nth, Ballarat,
03 5327 8615
Mon to Sun 10pm–5pm,
Tue by appointment.
See our website for latest information.