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Hawkesbury Regional Gallery

Opening in 2005, Hawkesbury Regional Gallery was a part of a major upgrade of cultural facilities undertaken by Hawkesbury City Council. The Gallery is a prominent public gallery within North-Western Sydney and the NSW Regional Galleries network.

Curating a large proportion of exhibitions in-house, the program supports regional and NSW artists and brings new work to audiences. The program also includes touring exhibitions from regional and state galleries and touring organisations throughout Australia. The changing exhibition program covers a diverse range of art forms.

The exhibition program is complemented by public and education programs. These include exhibition openings, artist and curator talks, master classes presented by artists, studio visits, art after school and school holiday workshop programs. Tailored education visits are also available.

Gallery entry is normally free.  From time to time exhibition touring agencies or lending institutions may require an entry fee to be charged.


Located in the Deerubbin Centre (Top Floor).

Hawkesbury Regional Gallery

300 George Street Windsor NSW 2756

02 4560 4441

Mon, Wed to Fri 10am–4pm,
Sat & Sun 10am–3pm.
Closed Tuesdays and public holidays.

Hawkesbury Regional Gallery

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