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Firstdraft Gallery

Firstdraft is Australia’s premier space for emerging and experimental arts practice.

Established in 1986, Firstdraft is Australia’s longest running artist-led organisation. Its longevity is testament to the sustained commitment of countless artists, writers, curators and arts professionals who have supported and exhibited at Firstdraft over the last five decades.

 A sustainable model of governance allows Firstdraft to champion risk and encourage ambition in a professional gallery context. With creative practitioners positioned firmly at their centre, they foster a diversity of emerging and experimental practices, people and programs that epitomise excellence and contribute to a dynamic local and global discourse.

Venue Accessibility information.

Firstdraft Gallery

13–17 Riley Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011

Wed 11am–8pm,
Thur to Sun 11am – 5pm.
Except during exhibition changeover.

Firstdraft Gallery

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