John Curtin Gallery Curtin University

Amanda Bell, Brett Nannup, Lea Taylor, Tyrown Waigana

N’yettin-ngal Wagur – Yeye Wongie (Ancestors Breath – Today Talk)

Curated by emerging Noongar curator Zali Morgan (Whadjuk, Balladong and Wilman peoples).

Morgan brings together four early-career Noongar artists — Amanda Bell, Brett Nannup, Lea Taylor and Tyrown Waigana — who have each been commissioned to produce new works in response to the Carrolup Collection held at John Curtin Gallery.

Through a diverse range of mediums and styles, each artist brings to the present-day the intertwined stories of the Carrolup Child Artists and their own personal context. The commissions reflect the aesthetics, design and themes present in the original Carrolup works, honouring Noongar histories and the enduring legacy of the Carrolup artists.

10 May—7 July

John Curtin Gallery Curtin University

Building 200, Curtin University, Kent Street Bentley WA 6102