Midland Junction Arts Centre

Andy Quilty and Western Australian high school students

Happy Meals and Scooter Skids: Art from the outer suburbs

Happy Meals and Scooter Skids: Art from the outer suburbs is a project developed by Rockingham-based artist and educator Andy Quilty in collaboration with students from three outer suburban high schools – Youth Futures Community School Midland, Armadale Senior High School and Warnbro Community High School.

A series of workshops facilitated by Quilty throughout 2024 aimed to empower the participants with the skills, conceptual knowledge and confidence to share their outer suburban experience through creative forms. Using found and low-cost materials and exploring inventive processes, the workshops sought to acknowledge and navigate some of the socio-economic barriers impacting young people in the outer suburbs who may want to participate in the arts.

Presented by FORM – Building a state of creativity and MAC Inc. as part of Perth Festival.

1 March—27 April

Midland Junction Arts Centre

276 Great Eastern Highway, Midland WA
