Onespace Gallery

Cara-Ann Simpson

Furari Flores (Stealing Flowers)

Launching us into our program for 2025 is a stunning exhibition by Cara-Ann Simpson, Furari Flores (Stealing Flowers). Filled with botanical magic, this exhibition journeys through deep listening, Earth admiration and plant love. Combining focus-stacked photography of plants and spectrographs, Cara’s still and moving-image artworks celebrate the natural world through sensory immersion.

Each work incorporates spectrography, the visual analysis of soundwaves. The spectrograph in each still image features her voice pronouncing the Latin title. Embedded within the moving-image artworks are the landscape’s sounds, from where Cara collected each plant specimen. Furari Flores is a rich visual display of the Australian landscape and Cara’s deep personal connection to it.

Opening Night, 1 February, 5pm–7pm.

Artist talk, 1 February 4pm– 5pm.

31 January—1 March

Onespace Gallery

25A Bouquet Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia