Bankstown Arts Centre

Caroline Garcia, Kristina Mah, Michellie Jade Charvat

Flux + Flow

A ground-breaking transdisciplinary exhibition, Flux + Flow uncovers the expansive creative potential when two distinct disciplines of martial arts and contemporary art converge. The works of all three featured artists are deeply informed by their martial arts practice.

New York based Caroline Garcia employs symbols and systems of Kali and Jeet Kune Do to recuperate violence as a means of engaging with themes of identity, immigration and safety. Western Sydney resident Kristina Mah channels her karate practices into somatic explorations of aesthetics through the lens of media technologies. Palawan artist (Bendigo based) Michellie Jade Charvat reflects on her relationship with her First Nations heritage, spiritual practices and beliefs through the context of Muay Thai with creative processes rooted in digital drawing, print media and photography.

The conjunction of the martial and contemporary arts lies in the state of flow, where discursive thought and judgement dissolves, giving way to instinct driven, heightened awareness.

9 March—27 April

Bankstown Arts Centre

5 Olympic Parade, Bankstown NSW, Australia