Wollongong Art Gallery

Group Exhibition

Dreams Nursed In Darkness

With: Vernon Ah Kee, Zanny Begg, Behrouz Boochani & Arash Kamali Sarvestani, Dennis Carriage, Carla Cescon, Megan Cope, Debra Dawes, Elizabeth Day, Destiny Deacon, Karla Dickens, Mireille Eid (Astore), Anne Ferran, Trevor Fry, Arielle Gamble, Anna Gibbs, Sarah Goffman, Julie Gough, Helen Grace, Anne Graham, Alana Hunt, Karrabing Film Collective, Warwick Keen, Rosemary Laing, Noelene Lucas, Ricky Maynard, Ian Milliss, Anna Mould, Marziya Mohammedali, David Nolan, Sue Paull, Stanislava Pinchuk, Sha Sarwari, Julie Shiels, Cassie Sullivan, Abdullah M.I. Syed, Gordon Syron, Leanne Tobin, Kawita Vatanajyankur, Warlukurlangu Artists, with works from the NSW Department of Corrective Services art collection and the Boom Gate Gallery.

Curated by Elizabeth Day and Claire Taylor.

Presenting an array of creative practice by people who know incarceration firsthand and artworks that respond to Australian carceral contexts, past and present. Dreams Nursed In Darkness surveys voices speaking from the margins and creative acts of resistance that assert the humanity of incarcerated people in the face of dehumanising systems.

They call us to account about structural failures of incarceration, systemic economic and racial injustices, and our complicity. Collectively, the artworks describe an important culturally contested arena, where many deeply unanswered social questions remain.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body, and is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

7 September—24 November

Wollongong Art Gallery

Kembla St & Burelli St, Wollongong NSW 2500
