Echo Chambers: Art and Endless Reflections
Are some exhibitions being designed for the social media experience?
Are some exhibitions being designed for the social media experience?
Mairi Ward creates patterns evocative of the way nature regenerates: tiny microcosms teeming just below the surface, ready to spring into action.
Desert River Sea plunges visitors into the complexity and aspirations of the Kimberley.
There is no shortage of drama in Borrowed Scenery, which is perhaps the point—to take female artists out of scenes shaped by the male gaze and to place them on their own stages.
With a resolutely civic ethos, Simon Terrill photographs outdoor spaces staged with everyday people.
Nicola Moss’s collaged works represent a soulful and civic-minded inquiry into the importance of green spaces amid congested urban environments.
Destination Sydney re-imagined, the second iteration of a concept which debuted in 2015, is a showcase for significant Sydney-based artists with decades of practice behind them.
The first Sanaa Festival was held in Adelaide in 2017. This year, six African artists are being flown to Australia and more will have work in the Sanaa Exhibition, which is part of the Adelaide Fringe festival.
Thirty years ago in Beijing, on the eve of Chinese New Year, contemporary Chinese artist Xiao Lu made her artistic debut by firing a shotgun at her installation Dialogue.
Sherbet pink, spray painted white, scribbles and muted text are some of the colours and images that dance across the canvases of Sarah crowEST’s recent paintings.
Superficially at least, one thing that seems to link the wildly disparate photos, drawings, videos, paintings, sculpture and prints in Obsession: Devil in the detail – across both time and genres – is time-consuming labour.
Quiet and considered movement and gesture pervade Gabriella and Silvana Mangano’s lyrical, mainly video based, practice.