Margel Hinder: Modern in Motion
Suggested Reading
Darrell Sibosado scales new heights
In an interview with Louise Martin-Chew, Darrell Sibosado discusses his striking installation Ilgarr (Blood), currently on show as part of the 11th Asia Pacific Triennial, his major commission at the 24th Biennale of Sydney, and Illume, an upcoming collaboration with the renowned Bangarra Theatre.
Louise Martin-Chew
William Robinson’s natural instincts
Since 2009, the William Robinson Gallery has held regular exhibitions showcasing the prolific Queensland artist’s oeuvre. The latest is Numinous, focusing on landscape painting and showing the natural world through Robinson’s careful eye.
Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
Altered states
The Future & Other Fictions, a landmark exhibition at ACMI, reflects both the cultural forces that determine our reality and the power of imagining our world anew.
Michelle Wang
Oslo Davis reimagines art terms
In a new series of illustrated postcards available as a free gift with purchase only at the Art Guide Bookstore, Oslo Davis takes on classic and contemporary art terms and genres and reimagines what they could be referring to.
Oslo Davis
The art books we loved in 2024
Whether looking for the perfect Christmas gift or searching for a summer read, we have selected some of our favourite art books of 2024—spanning everything from comprehensive gallery monographs to notable exhibition catalogues and self-published artist books.
Art Guide Australia
20/20 vision: on the legacy of un Magazine
un Magazine was conceived to champion courageous art criticism in an art world too often shaped by power and influence, a mission that still endures two decades on.
Andrew Stephens
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